Meow Wolf Dark Palace 2019
Meow Wolf is top-in-class for their ability to transport their guests to another dimension, where they find themselves able to embrace, participate, and immerse themselves in these new worlds. Combine this talent for world-making with electronic music, and you have Dark Palace: Meow Wolf's first large-scale event located in Denver, Colorado.
Dark Palace brought out three days of the most exceptional experimental bass, techno, and electronic music today with the fantastic artists and installations curated by Max B.K., Sophie Cruz and many other amazing people at Meow Wolf.
Working with the stage design team, Psychojelly provided visual support on the main stage. The weekend was a collaborative jam with other visual artists such as Megan Matthews(, Isabelle Slater(veggie tempura), Zac (b1n4ry), Mike Morgenstern(City Boy Lasers), Chris Beran(Meow Wolf), Nate(Meow Wolf/Ethnograph), Cody Leget(Photon7 Lighting). The stage was a beautiful combination of projection mapping, lasers, edison bulbs, and LED video panels, all designed and built by Zac(b1n4ry) and Jon Medina.
To create content for the different sets, genres, and days, Psychojelly built a sequencer to drive generative visuals that had a pre-visualization of the stage and could isolate the different areas of the stage. This sequencer also could be combined with manually controlled real-time visuals and pre-rendered clips. These visuals by Psychojelly, mixed with the other VJs, created an array of looks that transitioned between solid forms of geometry, liquids, and digital glitches throughout the event.