A project we built for Otherworld Philly.
Deep within the underbelly of Otherworld, you'll find Wasteland. Guests can walk through the projected toxic sludge river, and into the mouth of the Wasteland beast.
The sludge ripples and moves as guests walk through, and the interactive lily pads bob into the water if stepped on. Guests can unlock a secret puzzle symbol by standing on the correct four lily pads, activating a reaction both in the sludge and the Wasteland Monster.
Other things we created for this space were:
Mapped the LEDs
On the back rock wall,
On the monster’s back,
In the monster’s throat,
In the monster’s stomach,
Created content/mapped projectors for
The walls
The eyes of the monster
Programmed the audio spatially in the space
Programmed moving beam lights to point at individuals when they walked too close to the security gate.
Created the puzzle/clue journey across 4 other exhibits/rooms connected to this one